Effective way of Doing Social Bookmarking

Posted in 4/14/09
by Kishore

Social Bookmarking has it's own place in the internet even the social media is getting raised. It's a process where people can find links and bookmark or favorite those links and also can vote for the links. More votes for a link means the popular bookmark it is.

Most of the guys even don't the right process that how to do social bookmarking. It's also an art, if you know that how to perform the art perfectly then your profile would be get more visits and your links would get more votes.

I would like to explain you the right way that how you need to perform social bookmarking. Step by step described follow :
  • Update entire profile will complete info which looks professional
  • Search authorized profiles then vote and comment on their links
  • Add Authorized profiles in to your friends
  • Build a professional relationship with them
  • First to vote and comment on their links
  • In result you will get good comments and votes for your links
  • Provide different kinds of good links which catches public interest.
List of Social Boookmarking sites :
  • Digg.com
  • StumbleUpon.com
  • Technorati.com
  • Del.icio.us
  • Propeller.com
  • simpy.com
  • Slashdot.org .......... etc...

Main problem here is most of the people will create profiles and submit their own website links again and again in the same profile, it causes to ban account by the site administrator and also you will get a bad impact in the internet world. Hope you guys are clear with instructions if not let me know. So that i can correct myself. Feel free to ask questions. Looking forward for your comments.